一位 11 岁的收藏家拒绝了匹兹堡海盗队对一张稀有的 Paul Skenes 卡的提议,并计划将其拍卖用于慈善事业。 An 11-year-old collector rejects Pittsburgh Pirates' offer for a rare Paul Skenes card, plans to auction it for charity.
一名来自洛杉矶的11岁棒球卡收藏家 拒绝了匹兹堡海盗队的 交易报价 以换取罕见的保罗・斯肯尼斯新手卡 An 11-year-old baseball card collector from Los Angeles has turned down a trade offer from the Pittsburgh Pirates for a rare Paul Skenes rookie card. 海盗们提供了30年的赛季票 并有机会在球场上玩一个垒球游戏 但收藏家选择在3月拍卖这张卡片 所得收益流向洛杉矶消防基金 The Pirates offered 30 years of season tickets and a chance to play a softball game on the field, but the collector opted to auction the card in March, with proceeds going to Los Angeles fire relief funds. Skenes,全国联盟国际年新手,前途光明,有可能将卡片的价值提升到超过六位数。 Skenes, a National League Rookie of the Year, has a promising career ahead, potentially boosting the card's value to over six figures.