Wiltshire警方调查卡尔纳的性攻击案 一个男人亲吻了一个女人的手和额头 Wiltshire Police investigate sexual assault in Calne after a man kissed a woman's hand and forehead.
Wiltshire警方正在英格兰卡尔内调查一起性攻击案, 一名男子据称于1月18日在Curzon街接近一名女子后亲吻了她的手和前额。 Wiltshire Police are investigating a sexual assault case in Calne, England, where a man allegedly kissed a woman's hand and forehead after she approached him on Curzon Street on January 18. 嫌犯被描述为20多岁的白人男性, 身高约5尺7寸高, 短短黑头发和小块块, 身穿整身卡莫运动服。 The suspect is described as a white male in his early 20s, about 5'7" tall, with short dark hair and stubble, wearing a full camo tracksuit. 警方正在呼吁证人或任何带有破碎摄像头的录像的人与他们联系。 Police are appealing for witnesses or anyone with dashcam footage to contact them.