在北方邦,发现一名7岁男孩被一名19岁的据称吸毒成瘾者刺死。 In Uttar Pradesh, a 7-year-old boy was found stabbed to death by a 19-year-old alleged drug addict.
在北方邦,一名名叫Afzal的7岁男孩被一名19岁的据称吸毒成瘾者Shavez用剪刀刺死。 In Uttar Pradesh, a 7-year-old boy named Afzal was found stabbed to death with scissors by an alleged drug addict, Shavez, who is 19 years old. Afzal最后被发现与Shavez在星期四早上在一起, 他的尸体被发现在附近的甘蔗田里。 Afzal was last seen with Shavez on Thursday morning and his body was found in a nearby sugarcane field. 这名男孩据报失踪后,Shavez被捕,并在警方审讯期间供认犯罪。 After the boy was reported missing, Shavez was arrested and confessed to the crime during police interrogation. 调查正在进行之中,以确定谋杀背后的动机。 The investigation is ongoing to determine the motive behind the murder.