Tech Corporation Gloo利用海量数据用宗教信息针对危机中的个人,引发隐私辩论。 Tech firm Gloo uses big data to target individuals in crisis with religious messages, sparking privacy debates.
Gloo是一家技术公司, 帮助超过30,000个教会发展其教会, 使用大数据来识别面临个人危机的个人, Gloo, a tech firm helping over 30,000 churches grow their congregations, uses big data to identify individuals facing personal crises, targeting them with religious messages. 尽管存在隐私问题,特别是在心理健康数据方面,公司声称遵循法律。 Despite privacy concerns, especially around mental health data, the company claims to follow laws. 另一家公司Pushpay帮助教会根据个人需要调整服务,突出数据驱动的教会的趋势,以对抗出勤率下降和社区孤独。 Pushpay, another firm, helps churches tailor services to individual needs, highlighting a trend in data-driven churches aiming to counter declining attendance and community loneliness.