斯里兰卡前总统马欣达·拉贾帕克塞的儿子因财产交易中的腐败被捕。 Son of former Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa arrested over corruption in property deal.
斯里兰卡前总统马欣达·拉贾帕克塞之子Yoshitha Rajapaksa因在父亲担任主席期间购买财产的腐败罪名被捕。 Yoshitha Rajapaksa, son of former Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, was arrested on corruption charges related to a property purchase during his father's presidency. 在Beliatta实施的逮捕是新政府努力解决上届政府不当行为工作的一部分。 The arrest, made in Beliatta, is part of the new government's efforts to address misconduct from the previous administration. 他的叔叔、前总统戈塔巴亚·拉贾帕克塞曾因同一财产问题受到询问。 His uncle, former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, was previously questioned over the same property. 新政府已承诺调查和起诉2005年至2015年拉贾帕克塞时代被指控犯有错失行为的个人。 The new government has vowed to investigate and prosecute individuals accused of wrongdoing during the Rajapaksa era between 2005 and 2015.