印度的出版商起诉OpenAI, 声称ChatGPT未经许可使用有版权的著作。 Publishers sue OpenAI in India, claiming ChatGPT uses copyrighted works without permission.
印度和国际图书出版商对新德里的OpenAI提出版权诉讼,指称ChatGPT未经许可使用其版权著作。 Indian and international book publishers have filed a copyright lawsuit against OpenAI in New Delhi, alleging that ChatGPT uses their copyrighted works without permission. 印度出版商联合会代表Bloomsbury和Penguin Random House等公司,试图阻止OpenAI访问其内容并要求补偿。 The Federation of Indian Publishers, representing companies like Bloomsbury and Penguin Random House, seeks to stop OpenAI from accessing their content and demands compensation. OpenAI否认这些指控,声称其系统公平使用公共数据。 OpenAI denies the allegations, claiming its systems make fair use of public data. 这一案件定于1月审理,可能会影响印度大赦国际的法律框架。 The case, set to be heard in January, could impact the legal framework for AI in India.