阿尔伯特王子大理事会向当地粮食银行捐赠了驼鹿肉,帮助了600人。 Prince Albert Grand Council donates moose meat to local food banks, aiding up to 600 people.
阿尔伯特大王储理事会向阿尔伯特王子粮食银行和救世军捐赠了大量在传统狩猎中收获的驼鹿肉,旨在为大约300至600人提供支助。 The Prince Albert Grand Council (PAGC) donated a significant amount of moose meat, harvested during a traditional hunt, to the Prince Albert Food Bank and Salvation Army, aiming to support about 300 to 600 people. 由大酋长Brian Hardlotte领导的这一倡议是该署努力的一部分,目的是使这种捐助成为年度传统,帮助有需要的人,特别是在粮食援助需求不断增加的情况下。 This initiative, led by Grand Chief Brian Hardlotte, is part of the PAGC's efforts to make such donations an annual tradition to help those in need, especially amid rising food assistance demands.