总统提努布(Tinubu)为尼日利亚社会计划拨款6800万美元, 为7000万公民提供贷款和现金援助。 President Tinubu allocates $68 million for Nigeria’s social program, aiding 70 million citizens with loans and cash.
博拉·蒂努布总统为尼日利亚国家社会投资方案核准了327亿奈拉,以支持妇女和青年等弱势群体。 President Bola Tinubu has approved N32.7 billion for Nigeria's National Social Investment Programme (NSIP) to support vulnerable groups such as women and youth. 这些基金将通过合作社提供非抵押和无息贷款。 The funds will provide non-collateral and interest-free loans through cooperatives. 此外,有条件现金转移支付计划将使7 000万尼日利亚人受益,1 500万个家庭分三期收到75 000奈拉。 Additionally, a conditional cash transfer scheme will benefit 70 million Nigerians, with 15 million households receiving N75,000 in three installments.