Meta承认其收入为338 000美元,来自一个针对西方国家的亲俄罗斯信息网络。 Meta admitted to earning $338,000 from a pro-Russian disinfo network targeting Western countries.
Meta是Facebook的母公司, 在2023年8月至2024年11月之间从一个名为“二重身”的亲俄罗斯假情报网络中赚取338,000美元。 Researchers claim Meta, parent company of Facebook, earned $338,000 from a pro-Russian disinformation network called "Doppelganger" between August 2023 and November 2024. 网络针对法国、德国、波兰和意大利的用户, 内容是嘲弄法国政客, 散布对援助乌克兰的敌意。 The network targeted users in France, Germany, Poland, and Italy with content mocking French politicians and spreading hostility towards aid to Ukraine. 尽管对网络运营商进行了制裁,但Meta继续提供赞助内容。 Despite sanctions against the network's operators, Meta continued to place sponsored content. Meta承认这项运动,并声称封锁了数万名相关职位。 Meta acknowledged the campaign and claimed to have blocked tens of thousands of related posts.