麦当劳在2月12日发布新的季节性菜单, McDonald's unveils new seasonal menu on Feb. 12, featuring Philly Cheese Stack and Raspberry White Chocolate Pie.
麦当劳将于 2 月 12 日推出新的季节性菜单,其中包括 Philly Cheese Stack 和 McCrispy BBQ Smokehouse 的回归,以及覆盆子和白巧克力派以及 Mars McFlurry 等新项目。 McDonald's is launching a new seasonal menu on February 12, featuring the return of the Philly Cheese Stack and the McCrispy BBQ Smokehouse, along with new items like the Raspberry and White Chocolate Pie and Mars McFlurry. 5月6日之前,除了Mozzarella Dippers以外,Philly Cheese Stack和其他新物品将在5月6日之前提供,但Mozzarella Dippers除外,这些物品将在3月25日之前提供。 The Philly Cheese Stack and other new items will be available until May 6, except for the Mozzarella Dippers, which will be available until March 25. 热带苹果果汁将是菜单的永久性补充。 Tropicana Apple Juice will be a permanent addition to the menu.