堪萨斯市警方正在寻找失踪的女人Kaitlyn Barnes, 最后一次见到是在1月21日。 Kansas City police are searching for missing woman Kaitlyn Barnes, last seen on January 21.
堪萨斯市警察局正在寻找失踪的35岁的Kaitlyn Barnes, 最后一次见到是在1月21日下午5点左右在堪萨斯市中城。 The Kansas City Police Department is searching for missing 35-year-old Kaitlyn Barnes, last seen on January 21 around 5 p.m. in Midtown Kansas City. 巴恩斯,一个白女人, 绿色的眼睛和金发, 经常穿金发卷发假发 并穿透她的鼻子和鼻孔。 Barnes, a white woman with green eyes and blonde hair, often wears blonde curly wigs and has piercings on her nose and septum. 她驾驶一辆银色的基亚尼罗 密苏里州车牌号为TK0N4J She was driving a silver Kia Niro with Missouri license plate TK0N4J. 任何人如掌握情报,请与警察联系(816)234-5043或911。 Anyone with information is urged to contact the police at (816) 234-5043 or 911.