印度阿拉哈巴德高等法院处理生活关系上升的问题,呼吁保护道德价值。 India's Allahabad High Court addresses rise in live-in relationships, calls for protection of moral values.
印度的阿拉阿巴德高等法院注意到青年人生活关系呈上升趋势,并强调需要有一个保护社会道德价值的框架。 The Allahabad High Court in India has noted the rising trend of live-in relationships among young people and stressed the need for a framework to protect societal moral values. 这是在为Akash Keshari举行的保释听证会上提出的,Akash Keshari被控以虚假的婚姻借口误导一名妇女进入肉体关系。 This came during a bail hearing for Akash Keshari, accused of misleading a woman into a physical relationship under false pretenses of marriage. 法院强调,虽然这种关系缺乏社会认可,但由于容易避免责任,这种关系越来越受欢迎,因此必须找到办法,维护道德标准。 The court highlighted that while such relationships lack social approval, their growing popularity due to the ease of avoiding responsibilities necessitates a solution to preserve moral standards.