伊利诺伊州根据Smart Start方案将学龄前席位扩大到11 000个,目标是到2027年覆盖80%的工作家庭。 Illinois expands preschool seats to 11,000 under Smart Start program, aiming to cover 80% of working families by 2027.
伊利诺伊州州长JB Pritzker发起的“智能启动计划”第二年为低收入家庭增加了5 150个新的学龄前席位,使2023年以来的总数达到11 000个。 Illinois's Smart Start program, launched by Governor JB Pritzker, added 5,150 new preschool seats for low-income families in its second year, bringing the total to 11,000 since 2023. 2025财政年度预算包括3 220万美元,用于扩大3岁和4岁儿童接受学前教育的机会,并支持教育工作者。 The FY 2025 budget includes $32.2 million to expand preschool access for 3- and 4-year-olds and to support educators. 该方案的目标是到2027年为80%的工作家庭提供学前班。 The program aims to provide preschool for 80% of working families by 2027.