Conan O'Brien在3月2日主办第97届奥斯卡, 承认洛杉矶野火的影响。 Conan O'Brien hosts the 97th Oscars on March 2, acknowledging the Los Angeles wildfires' impact.
因洛杉矶野火而流离失所的喜剧演员Conan O'Brien, 将于3月2日主办第97届科学院颁奖典礼。 Comedian Conan O'Brien, displaced by the Los Angeles wildfires, will host the 97th Academy Awards on March 2. 奥斯卡将反映城市的挑战, 并表彰那些在野火中抗争的人, 目的是团结电影界, The Oscars will reflect the city's challenges and honor those who fought the wildfires, aiming to unite the film community while being sensitive to the disaster's impact. 尽管有人质疑取消活动, 组织者仍计划继续, 承认许多居民面临困苦。 Despite questions about canceling the event, organizers plan to proceed, acknowledging the hardships many residents face.