布拉德·皮特 (Brad Pitt) 主演了派拉蒙影业 (Paramount Pictures) 的新动作冒险电影《野兽之心》(Heart of the Beast)。 Brad Pitt stars in new action-adventure film "Heart of the Beast," set for Paramount Pictures.
Brad Pitt将出演电影《野兽之心》, 导演为Paramount Pictures, 导演为David Ayer, Brad Pitt will star in and produce the action-adventure film "Heart of the Beast" for Paramount Pictures, directed by David Ayer, his collaborator from the 2014 film "Fury." 影片跟随一位前陆军特种部队士兵和他的退役作战犬,他们在阿拉斯加荒野坠机后必须生存下来。 The movie follows a former Army Special Forces soldier and his retired combat dog who must survive after a plane crash in the Alaskan wilderness. 制作人包括Damien Chazelle、Olivia Hamilton和Richard Raymond。 Producers include Damien Chazelle, Olivia Hamilton, and Richard Raymond.