在伊利诺伊州米努卡附近的I-80号公路上,误车司机撞入半卡车,造成一人死亡和车道被关闭。 Wrong-way driver crashes into semi-truck on I-80 near Minooka, Illinois, resulting in one death and lane closures.
在伊利诺伊州米努卡附近的80号州际公路发生了一场致命的车祸,星期五清晨,一名路错车手与一辆半卡车撞上头部。 A fatal crash occurred on Interstate 80 near Minooka, Illinois, early Friday morning when a wrong-way driver collided head-on with a semi-truck. 汽车司机在现场死亡,卡车司机因伤而住院。 The driver of the car died at the scene, while the truck driver was hospitalized with injuries. 在调查期间,位于Ridge Road和Brisbin Road之间的I-80西行道被关闭近6小时。 Westbound lanes of I-80 were closed for nearly six hours between Ridge Road and Brisbin Road during the investigation.