Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath批评德里的AAP对Yamuna污染的看法, Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath criticizes Delhi's AAP over Yamuna pollution, challenging leader to bathe in the river.
北方邦首席部长Yogi Adityanath批评德里的AAP政府, 指责政府将Yamuna河变成污染河流, 忽视城市基础设施。 Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath criticized Delhi's AAP government, accusing it of turning the Yamuna into a polluted river and neglecting city infrastructure. 他挑战AAP领导人Arvind Kejriwal在Yamuna洗澡,强调德里的卫生条件和道路条件差。 He challenged AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal to bathe in the Yamuna, highlighting poor sanitation and road conditions in Delhi. 作为回应,Kejriwal承认有些承诺没有兑现,但发誓如果连选连任,将改善条件。 In response, Kejriwal admitted to failing on some promises but vowed to improve conditions if re-elected. 这些评论是在2月5日德里议会选举之前发表的。 The comments come ahead of the Delhi assembly elections on February 5.