英国监管机构计划提供新的技术服务,以便到2025年使消费者对付款有更大的控制权。 UK regulators plan new tech services to give consumers more control over payments by 2025.
联合王国财务行为管理局和支付系统监管机构正在计划引进新技术服务,使消费者和企业对付款有更大的控制权。 The UK's Financial Conduct Authority and Payment Systems Regulator are planning to introduce new technology services to give consumers and businesses more control over payments. 这包括可变的经常性付款,使用户能够确定付款数额,减少意外收费。 This includes variable recurring payments that allow users to set payment amounts, reducing unexpected charges. 开放银行有限公司将帮助设立一个新的独立公司来协调这些服务。 Open Banking Limited will help establish a new independent company to coordinate these services. 目前,开放银行业务的用户超过1 170万,每月处理付款超过2 210万次。 Currently, open banking has over 11.7 million users and processes over 22.1 million payments monthly. 监管者预计到2025年将取得重大进展。 Regulators expect significant progress by 2025.