两名中学生在西雅图失事中受伤。 Two middle school students were hurt in a Seattle crash involving a school bus on 15th Ave NW.
两名中学生在西雅图西雅图西北大道15号的一辆校车发生三轮撞车事故中受伤。 Two middle school students were injured in a three-vehicle collision involving a school bus on 15th Avenue Northwest in Seattle Thursday evening. 一名女孩头部可能受伤,一名男孩报告他身旁有疼痛。 A girl suffered a possible head injury, and a boy reported pain in his side. 西雅图警察局报告说,大约下午4时17分发生坠机事件,KIRO 7新闻社正在报道该事件,随着更多资料的提供,将提供最新消息。 The Seattle Police Department reported the crash around 4:17 p.m., and KIRO 7 News is covering the incident with updates as more information becomes available.