特立尼达议员Watson Duke因在辩论期间中断辩论而被从多巴哥众议院除名。 Trinidadian assemblyman Watson Duke was removed from the Tobago House of Assembly for disruption during a debate.
特立尼达议员Watson Duke在就犯罪问题进行辩论时被护送出多巴哥议会,因为他拒绝平静下来,扰乱了诉讼。 Watson Duke, a Trinidadian assemblyman, was escorted out of the Tobago House of Assembly during a debate on crime, after he refused to quiet down and disrupted proceedings. 审判长Abby Taylor下令将他解职,促使Duke指控Taylor有偏见,逾越了她的权力。 Presiding Officer Abby Taylor ordered his removal, prompting Duke to accuse Taylor of bias and overstepping her authority. 这不是公爵第一次因不当行为被从集会上除名。 This is not the first time Duke has been removed from the assembly for misconduct.