TikTok用户在4月复活节Tesco引发关于早期和价格昂贵的迷你蛋的辩论。 TikTok user sparks debate over early and pricey Mini Eggs at Tesco, Easter being in April.
TikTok用户Erin兴奋地分享她在Tesco发现一公斤迷你鸡蛋袋, 价格为14英镑, TikTok user Erin excitedly shared her find of 1kg bags of Mini Eggs at Tesco, priced at £14, but her post sparked mixed reactions. 一些用户对复活节治疗的早期出现和高昂价格感到震惊,其他人则对食用整个袋子的诱惑开玩笑。 Some users were shocked by the early appearance and high price of the Easter treat, with others joking about the temptation to eat the entire bag. 复活节才到4月20日, 导致关于糖果供应时间的疑问。 Easter is not until April 20th, leading to questions about the timing of the candy's availability.