瑞士承诺提供援助,以帮助斯里兰卡追回被盗资产和打击腐败。 Switzerland promises aid to help Sri Lanka recover stolen assets and fight corruption.
瑞士承诺帮助斯里兰卡收回被带出该国的资产。 Switzerland pledged to help Sri Lanka recover assets taken out of the country. 瑞士大使Siri Walt博士保证提供支持,包括就国际资产追回措施提供资源和指导。 Swiss Ambassador Dr. Siri Walt assured support, including resources and guidance on international measures for asset recovery. 瑞士还承诺向斯里兰卡的反腐败努力和优先方案,如“斯里兰卡清洁计划”等提供技术和财政援助,同时支持社会挑战和北部地区发展。 Switzerland also committed to providing technical and financial aid for Sri Lanka’s anti-corruption efforts and priority programs like the "Clean Sri Lanka" initiative, while supporting social challenges and Northern region development.