嫌犯Florwer Carlin Lizano Jr.,因谋杀瓦夫勒屋一名工人而被通缉,在弗吉尼亚州被捕。 Suspect Florwer Carlin Lizano Jr., sought for the murder of a Waffle House worker, was arrested in Virginia.
在北卡罗来纳州劳林堡,Florwer Carlin Lizano Jr.被控谋杀Waffle House雇员Burlie “Dawson”Locklear的四个月追捕,最后在弗吉尼亚州Portsmouth被捕。 The four-month manhunt for Florwer Carlin Lizano Jr., accused of murdering Waffle House employee Burlie "Dawson" Locklear in Laurinburg, North Carolina, ended with his arrest in Portsmouth, Virginia. Lizano被控一级谋杀罪,因为据报9月,Lizano被激怒,在餐馆中开了两枪,杀死了Locklear。 Lizano is charged with first-degree murder after reportedly becoming agitated and firing two shots at the restaurant in September, killing Locklear. 他将被引渡到北卡罗来纳州接受指控 He will be extradited to North Carolina to face the charges.