南非的Richards Bay煤炭码头发现煤炭出口达5 208万吨,上升10%,主要买家是亚洲。 Richards Bay Coal Terminal in South Africa sees coal exports hit 52.08 million tonnes, up 10%, with Asia as the main buyer.
南非的Richards Bay煤炭码头的煤炭出口量在2024年增加了10%,达到5 208万吨,这是三年来最高的,因为铁路货运情况得到改善。 Coal exports from South Africa's Richards Bay Coal Terminal increased by 10% in 2024 to 52.08 million tonnes, the highest in three years, thanks to improved freight rail performance. 尽管Transnet是国有铁路和港口运营商,但亚洲目前占南非煤炭出口的84.5%,其中主要进口到印度和巴基斯坦。 Despite ongoing issues with Transnet, the state-owned rail and port operator, Asia now accounts for 84.5% of South Africa's coal exports, with major imports to India and Pakistan. 这标志着该终点站七年来首次出现增长。 This marks the first growth in seven years for the terminal.