2026年NFL选秀将移至匹兹堡, 预计将于4月23日至25日成为该市有史以来最大的游客活动. The 2026 NFL Draft moves to Pittsburgh, set to be the city's biggest-ever visitor event from April 23-25.
2026年NFL选秀将于4月23日至25日在匹兹堡举行,这是该市历史上最大的游客活动. The 2026 NFL Draft will be held in Pittsburgh from April 23 to 25, marking the largest visitor event in the city's history. 该草案以前多年来一直由纽约市主办,自2015年以来已在各城市举行。 The draft, previously hosted in New York City for many years, has been held in various cities since 2015. 匹兹堡活动预计将产生高达2亿美元的收入, 包括互动展览、现场音乐及粉丝活动, Pittsburgh's event is expected to generate up to $200 million in revenue, featuring interactive exhibits, live music, and fan activities across Point State Park and the North Shore.