纽约大都会正考虑将41岁的投手Max Scherzer 重新派任一年。 The New York Mets are considering re-signing 41-year-old pitcher Max Scherzer for one year.
据报告,纽约大都会队正在考虑与老牌投手Max Scherzer重聚一年的合同,后者今年将年满41岁。 The New York Mets are reportedly considering a one-year contract reunion with veteran pitcher Max Scherzer, who will turn 41 this year. 尽管Scherzer的2024年赛季因受伤只限于9个开始,但梅茨人认为他的经验和对球队的熟悉很有价值。 Despite Scherzer's 2024 season being limited to nine starts due to injury, the Mets see value in his experience and familiarity with the team. Scherzer在2022年和2023年为大都会人打过球,然后被卖给游骑兵。 Scherzer played for the Mets in 2022 and 2023 before being traded to the Rangers. 虽然重聚仍然是谣传, 它可以为大都会队的投球轮回提供深度和季后经验。 While a reunion is still a rumor, it could provide depth and playoff experience to the Mets' pitching rotation.