MK党为妇女和青年联盟任命新领导人,而EFF则加强其领导结构。 MK Party appoints new leaders for women's and youth leagues, while EFF strengthens its leadership structure.
南非MK党已任命Lindiwe Irene Makubu Mtshali为全国妇女联盟协调员,并任命Qiniso Cibane为全国青年联盟召集人。 The MK Party in South Africa has appointed Lindiwe Irene Makubu Mtshali as the national co-ordinator of the women's league and Qiniso Cibane as national convener of the youth league. 该党在Gauteng和Limpopo的其他机构因内部冲突解散后,正努力在各省建立永久领导,从KwaZulu-Natal开始。 The party is working to establish permanent leadership in provinces, starting with KwaZulu-Natal, after dissolving other structures in Gauteng and Limpopo due to internal conflicts. 同时,埃福尔党已任命Dali Mpofu为国家纪律委员会主席,John Hlophe为上诉主席,旨在加强其领导。 Meanwhile, the EFF party has appointed Dali Mpofu as Chairperson of the National Disciplinary Committee and John Hlophe as Chairperson of Appeals, aiming to strengthen its leadership.