中东国家在数字健康增长方面领先,预计到2028年将达到79亿美元。 Middle East nations lead in digital health growth, projected to reach $7.9 billion by 2028.
中东在数字健康创新方面处于领先地位,预计年增长率为9.2%,到2028年达到79亿美元。 The Middle East is leading in digital health innovation, with a projected 9.2% annual growth rate, reaching $7.9 billion by 2028. 沙特阿拉伯和阿联酋等国家正在利用AI、电子健康记录和远程保健来改善护理和获取服务。 Countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE are using AI, electronic health records, and telehealth to improve care and access. 本区域的进步反映了在政府倡议和私营部门创新的推动下,对现代保健解决方案的承诺。 The region's advancements reflect a commitment to modern healthcare solutions, driven by government initiatives and private sector innovation.