Madonna庆祝领养女儿慈悲19岁生日, 在马拉维克服领养障碍。 Madonna celebrates adopted daughter Mercy's 19th birthday, overcoming adoption barriers in Malawi.
Madonna庆祝她被收养的女儿Mess James十九岁生日, 反思她们四年半的领养历程, 包括克服马拉维反对离婚妇女领养的政策。 Madonna celebrated her adopted daughter Mercy James's 19th birthday, reflecting on their four-and-a-half-year journey to adoption, which included overcoming Malawi's policy against adoption by divorced women. 麦当娜在Instagram上分享照片和视频, 赞扬梅西的善良, 宽厚的心, 和作为音乐家和摄影师的天赋. Madonna shared photos and videos on Instagram, praising Mercy's kindness, big heart, and talents as a musician and photographer. 她强调了他们作为支持家庭成员的纽带和慈悲的作用。 She highlighted their bond and Mercy's role as a supportive family member.