肯尼亚高等法院批准选举委员会小组,为2027年的选举准备扫清道路。 Kenya's High Court approves panel for electoral commission, clearing path for 2027 election prep.
肯尼亚高等法院批准了选举委员会甄选小组的九名个人名单,驳回关于该小组缺乏包容性或平衡性的说法。 Kenya's High Court has approved a list of nine individuals for an electoral commission selection panel, dismissing claims that the panel lacked inclusivity or balance. 这项裁决允许威廉·鲁托总统在2027年大选之前着手任命新的委员。 The ruling allows President William Ruto to proceed with appointments for selecting new commissioners ahead of the 2027 General Election. 法院还驳回了对提名程序的质疑,认为没有违反宪法的证据。 The court also rejected challenges to the nomination process, finding no evidence of constitutional violations.