Issey Miyake在《巴黎时装周》上, 以创新的模块设计为首版。 Issey Miyake's final menswear line debuts with innovative, modular designs at Paris Fashion Week.
Issey Miyake的新时装线IM M MEN, 在巴黎时装周揭幕, 提供传统和创新设计组合。 Issey Miyake's new menswear line, IM MEN, debuted at Paris Fashion Week, offering a blend of traditional and innovative design. 这些收藏品是受已故创始人Issey Miyake影响的最后一批,其特色是组合式服装、植物材料和变革性设计,标志着品牌对月经的处理方式发生了重大变化。 The collection, the last influenced by the late founder Issey Miyake, features modular garments, plant-based materials, and transformative designs, marking a significant evolution in the brand's approach to menswear. 该节目突出展示了可磨损的部件和时装设计的新可能性。 The show highlighted wearable pieces and new possibilities in fashion design.