印度在Trump活动中抗议Khalistani恐怖分子的存在, India protests presence of Khalistani terrorist at Trump event, presses U.S. on security concerns.
印度外交部(MEA)将在美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的一次活动上讨论Khalistani恐怖分子Gurpatwant Singh Pannun在场的问题。 India's Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) will address the presence of Khalistani terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun at an event with US President Donald Trump. 没有被邀请的Pannun通过联系人购买了机票。 Pannun, who was not invited, acquired tickets through a contact. 印度将继续向美国政府提出国家安全关切及反印度活动。 India will continue to raise national security concerns and anti-India activities with the US government. 此外,印度对阻碍在英国放映电影“紧急情况”表示关切,并呼吁联合王国政府问责。 Additionally, India has raised concerns over obstructions to the screening of the film 'Emergency' in the UK and calls for accountability from the UK government.