众议院助理警告不要传讯Cassidy Hutchinson,因为有明显的性文字风险。 House aide warns against subpoenaing Cassidy Hutchinson due to sexually explicit texts risk.
前白宫助理卡西迪·哈钦森(Cassidy Hutchinson)在调查2021年1月6日国会袭击事件时, 警告共和党立法者不要传票。 An aide to House Speaker Mike Johnson warned Republican lawmakers against subpoenaing Cassidy Hutchinson, a former White House aide, in their investigation of the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack. 令人关切的是,传票可能会释放Hutchinson和一些立法者之间交换的具有性色彩的文本。 The concern was that a subpoena could release sexually explicit texts exchanged between Hutchinson and some lawmakers. 此举旨在防止潜在的尴尬,并保护正在进行的调查。 This move aims to prevent potential embarrassment and protect the ongoing investigation.