马哈拉施特拉州长为慈善家Mulchand Shah颁发邮票, 庆祝社会贡献。 Governor of Maharashtra releases stamp honoring philanthropist Mulchand Shah, celebrating social contributions.
1月22日, 2025年1月22日, 马哈拉施特拉邦州长颁发了一枚纪念Mulchand Shah的邮票。 Shah是一位已故慈善家, On January 22, 2025, the Governor of Maharashtra released a postage stamp honoring Mulchand Shah, a late philanthropist known for his contributions to social institutions, colleges, dams, and temples in Rajasthan. 这次活动是印度邮政部150年庆祝活动的一部分,突出了Shah在社区服务方面的遗产,以及他在本地区的重大影响。 The event, part of the Indian Postal Department's 150-year celebration, highlighted Shah's legacy of community service and his significant impact in his region.