Gavin Rossdale, 前布什前前前前前幕僚, 在2月13日与名人嘉宾一起首演烹饪节目。 Gavin Rossdale, former Bush frontman, debuts cooking show with celebrity guests on February 13th.
Gavin Rossdale, 布什前台, 准备在2月13日首映他的烹饪节目《与Gavin Rossdale共进晚餐》, Gavin Rossdale, frontman of Bush, is set to premiere his cooking show "Dinner with Gavin Rossdale" on February 13th on VIZIO's WatchFree+ streaming service. 该节目以罗斯代尔为特色,为 Serena Williams、Common、Tom Jones、Selma Blair、Brooke Shields 和 Jack McBrayer 等嘉宾烹饪。 The show features Rossdale cooking for guests like Serena Williams, Common, Tom Jones, Selma Blair, Brooke Shields, and Jack McBrayer. Rossdale还计划与Shinodown进行暑期巡演, 并正在制作一份新专辑,题为“我打败孤独”。 Rossdale also plans a summer tour with Shinedown and is working on a new album titled "I Beat Loneliness."