福特的股票在问题4中下跌5.9%,但公司打破了收入估计,宣布了新的红利。 Ford's stock fell 5.9% in Q4, but the company beat earnings estimates and declared a new dividend.
福特汽车公司的股票在第四季度下降了5.9%,一些公司,如韦斯班科和XML金融公司减少了股份。 Ford Motor's stock dropped 5.9% in the fourth quarter, with some firms like Wesbanco and XML Financial reducing their stakes. 然而,其他机构投资者增加了其持有量,而福特报告了0.49 EPS,殴打估计数。 However, other institutional investors increased their holdings, and Ford reported $0.49 EPS, beating estimates. 该公司还宣布季度股息0.15美元,收益5.91%。 The company also declared a $0.15 quarterly dividend, yielding 5.91%. 尽管一些分析家降低了评分,但福特仍然将重点放在福特蓝、模型e和Pro等段,在福特和林肯品牌下开发各种车辆和豪华轿车。 Despite some analysts lowering ratings, Ford remains focused on its Ford Blue, Model e, and Pro segments, developing various vehicles and luxury cars under the Ford and Lincoln brands.