Ericsson报告说,2024年的收入下降了6%,但出现了显著的区域增长和5G的新进展。 Ericsson reports 2024 revenue down 6%, but sees significant regional growth and new 5G advancements.
Ericsson报告说,2024年的财务结果好坏参半,收入下降6%,达247.88亿瑞典克朗。 Ericsson reported mixed financial results for 2024, with a 6% drop in revenue to SEK 247.88 billion. 尽管如此,该公司在北美取得了显著增长,增长了54%,在欧洲和拉丁美洲取得了强劲收益。 Despite this, the company saw significant growth in North America, up 54%, and strong gains in Europe and Latin America. 关键要点包括新的5G软件启动、一项主要的专利许可协议,以及重新注重网络效率。 Key highlights include new 5G software launches, a major patent licensing agreement, and a renewed focus on network efficiency. 然而,东南亚、大洋洲和印度的销售量在这一年中下降了38%,这主要是由于印度5G投资的减少。 However, sales in South East Asia, Oceania, and India fell by 38% over the year, largely due to reduced 5G investments in India. Ericsson预计,在今后几年里,RAN市场将稳定增长。 Ericsson anticipates stable RAN market growth in the coming years.