在宣布与 Meta 合作开发 AI 和 VR 教育工具后,Engage XR 的股价飙升了 157%。 Engage XR's stock soars 157% post announcement of Meta partnership for AI and VR educational tools.
Holding XR控股公司是一家教育技术公司,在宣布与Meta平台合作开发18岁以下学生的AI和VR学习工具后,其存量上升了157%。 Engage XR Holdings, an education tech firm, saw its stock rise 157% after announcing a partnership with Meta Platforms to develop AI and VR learning tools for students up to age 18. 其特色包括虚拟旅行,如阿波罗11号飞行任务,以及与22个AI动力历史人物的互动。 Features include virtual trips like the Apollo 11 mission and interactions with 22 AI-powered historical figures. 预计这一伙伴关系将受益于VR头盔价格的下降以及教育中技术应用的增加。 The partnership is expected to benefit from falling VR headset prices and increased tech adoption in education.