CNN 裁员 200 人,招聘数字职位,并重新调整时间表以适应在线观看趋势。 CNN cuts 200 jobs, hires for digital roles, and reshuffles schedules to adapt to online viewing trends.
有线电视新闻网(CNN)正在调整业务结构,进行裁员和时间安排变动,以配合数字第一战略。 CNN is restructuring its operations with layoffs and schedule changes aimed at pivoting to a digital-first strategy. 网络正在削减约200个工作岗位,占其劳动力的6%,同时计划今年至少雇用100人担任数字角色。 The network is cutting around 200 jobs, or 6% of its workforce, while planning to hire at least 100 for digital roles this year. 计划变化包括将沃尔夫・布莱泽的"情况室" 搬到早上, 加上Pamela Brown作为联合主持人, 并将Jake Tapper的节目改到稍后时间档。 The schedule changes include moving Wolf Blitzer's "The Situation Room" to mornings, adding Pamela Brown as co-host, and shifting Jake Tapper's show to a later time slot. 随着观众转向数字平台,这些变化旨在保障CNN的未来。 These changes aim to secure CNN's future as audiences shift to digital platforms.