中国发言人支持对话解决乌克兰危机, 支持美国求助呼吁。 China's spokesperson supports dialogue to resolve Ukraine crisis, backing US call for help.
中国外交部发言人毛宁对包括美国在内的各方在解决乌克兰危机中发挥建设性作用表示满意。 China's foreign ministry spokesperson, Mao Ning, expressed satisfaction with all parties, including the US, taking constructive roles to resolve the Ukraine crisis. 毛泽东强调,对话和谈判是唯一可行的解决办法,中国将继续支持和谈,并与所有有关各方接触。 Mao emphasized that dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solutions, and China will continue to support peace talks and engage with all involved. 这些评论是在美国总统唐纳德·特朗普希望中国帮助结束冲突之后发表的。 The comments came after US President Donald Trump hoped China would help end the conflict.