厨师商店周六上午6点在汉普顿和弗吉尼亚海滩开两家新的批发食品店。 Chef'Store opens two new wholesale food stores in Hampton and Virginia Beach on Saturday at 6 a.m.
美国食品公司于星期六上午6时在汉普顿和弗吉尼亚海滩开放两个厨师店。 US Foods is opening two Chef'Store locations in Hampton and Virginia Beach on Saturday at 6 a.m. 这些商店提供批发食品和餐饮用品,无需加入。 These stores offer wholesale food and restaurant supplies without the need for a membership. 汉普顿商店就在AMC剧院附近 弗吉尼亚海滩商店在柯林斯广场 靠近镇中心 The Hampton store is near the AMC theater, and the Virginia Beach store is in Collins Square, close to Town Center. 厨师店在14个州有90个地点 林奇堡和罗诺克还有弗吉尼亚的其他商店 Chef'Store has about 90 locations across 14 states, with other Virginia stores in Lynchburg and Roanoke.