一名 17 岁的学生在纳什维尔的安条克高中开枪打死了一名同学,然后又开枪打死了他自己。 A 17-year-old student shot and killed a classmate and then himself at Nashville's Antioch High School.
周三,一名 17 岁的学生所罗门·亨德森 (Solomon Henderson) 在纳什维尔的安条克高中开枪打死了一名 16 岁的女同学乔塞林·科雷亚·埃斯卡兰特 (Josselin Corea Escalante),并打伤了另一名学生,然后自杀。 A 17-year-old student, Solomon Henderson, fatally shot a 16-year-old female classmate, Josselin Corea Escalante, and injured another student before killing himself at Antioch High School in Nashville on Wednesday. 枪击事件发生在上午 11 点 09 分左右,地点在学校的食堂。两名学校资源官员在场,但在枪击结束前没有进行干预。 The shooting occurred in the school's cafeteria around 11:09 a.m. Two school resource officers were present but did not intervene before the shooting concluded. 这所学校有大约 2,000 名学生,位于纳什维尔市中心东南约 10 英里处。 The school has around 2,000 students and is located about 10 miles southeast of downtown Nashville. 这起事件发生在纳什维尔另一起枪击事件近两年后,该枪击事件在共和党主导的田纳西州引发了一场关于枪支管制的辩论。 This incident occurred nearly two years after another shooting in Nashville, which prompted a debate on gun control in the Republican-dominated state of Tennessee.