Dundalk发生家庭火灾后处于危急状态的妇女;原因正在调查中。 Woman in critical condition after house fire in Dundalk; cause under investigation.
上周三巴尔的摩县Dundalk的Dundalk发生房屋火灾后,发现一名妇女处于危急状态。 A woman was found in critical condition after a house fire in Dundalk, Baltimore County, on Wednesday. 大约中午中午,在Marshall路1800个街区的一所家中发生火灾,消防员在屋内遭遇猛烈火力和囤积条件。 The fire occurred around noon in a home on the 1800 block of Marshall Road, with firefighters encountering heavy fire and hoarding conditions inside. 火灾于下午12时39分控制,不过原因仍在调查之中。 The fire was controlled by 12:39 p.m., though the cause is still being investigated. 妇女的状况和身份尚未披露。 The woman's condition and identity have not been disclosed.