在30亿新元的案件中,新加坡王俊杰被指控犯有伪造和洗钱罪。 Singaporean Wang Junjie is charged with forgery and money laundering in a S$3 billion case.
Wang Junjie, 42岁,已入籍的新加坡人,被控犯有15项罪行,包括30亿新元巨额洗钱案中的伪造罪。 Wang Junjie, a 42-year-old naturalized Singaporean, has been charged with 15 offenses including forgery in a massive S$3 billion money laundering case. Wang被控与Su Baolin和Su Haijin合谋伪造公司账目和文件,从而导致对当局的重大财务误报。 Wang is accused of conspiring with Su Baolin and Su Haijin to falsify company accounts and documents, leading to significant financial misrepresentations to authorities. 这起案件标志着新加坡人在正在进行的调查中第二次受到指控。 This case marks the second time a Singaporean has been charged in the ongoing investigation.