Samsung的银河系统S25为听力和视力障碍者引入了新的无障碍功能。 Samsung's Galaxy S25 introduces new accessibility features for the hearing and visually impaired.
三星的Galaxy S25系列为有听力和视力障碍的用户引入了新的可访问性功能. Samsung's Galaxy S25 series introduces new accessibility features for users with hearing and visual impairments. 听力援助使用者现在可以通过蓝牙LE接听电话和开关设置,减少延迟。 Hearing aid users can now take calls and switch settings via Bluetooth LE, reducing latency. 对于视障者来说,银河系统S25将是第一个支持通过HID显示盲文的Android电话,并以谷歌的Gemini模型提供更详细的图像描述。 For the visually impaired, the Galaxy S25 will be the first Android phone to support braille displays via HID and offer more detailed image descriptions with Google's Gemini models. 这些功能最初将专属于银河系统S25,但以后将推广到其他Android15装置。 These features will initially be exclusive to the Galaxy S25 but will roll out to other Android 15 devices later.