三星挑逗银河S25边缘, 一种较薄的智能手机模型, 准备与苹果竞争。 Samsung teases the Galaxy S25 Edge, a thinner smartphone model, set to compete with Apple.
三星已经发布了Galaxy S25 Edge的预告片, Samsung has unveiled a teaser for the Galaxy S25 Edge, a slimmed-down version of its flagship phone. 该装置装有双镜头照相机,据报为6.4毫米厚,比其他S25型型号更薄。 The device features a dual-lens camera and is reportedly 6.4mm thick, making it thinner than other S25 models. Samsung没有透露具体细节,例如定价或公布日期,但S25边缘可能于5月发射。 Samsung did not disclose specifics such as pricing or release date, but the S25 Edge may launch in May. 电话预计将与苹果公司传闻的 薄型iPhone 竞争。 The phone is expected to compete with Apple's rumored thin iPhone model.