三星首次推出Galaxy S25,引发了ESR,Benks,i-Blason和SUPCASE的新型保护套. Samsung debuts Galaxy S25, sparking new protective cases from ESR, Benks, i-Blason, and SUPCASE.
Samsung推出了银河S25系列,促使ESR、i-Blason、SUPCASE和Benks等附属制造者引入新的保护性案例。 Samsung has launched the Galaxy S25 series, prompting accessory makers like ESR, i-Blason, SUPCASE, and Benks to introduce new protective cases. ESR的HaloLock经典混合案 拥有1500克磁力 高达11英尺的降压防护 ESR's HaloLock Classic Hybrid Case boasts 1500g magnetic force and up to 11-foot drop protection. 班克斯提供了ArmorPro和Aurora ArmorAir套件,两者都配备了凯弗拉纤维和MagSafe支持. Benks offers the ArmorPro and Aurora ArmorAir cases, both with Kevlar fibers and MagSafe support. i-Blason和SUPCASE介绍Armorbox和Cosmo系列,提供军事级保护和各种设计。 i-Blason and SUPCASE introduce the Armorbox and Cosmo Series, offering military-grade protection and a variety of designs. 最佳个案选择取决于个人对风格和功能的偏好。 The best case choice depends on personal preferences for style and functionality.