RWE在德国建造新的控制中心,以监督2026年开张的离岸风力农场。 RWE builds new control center in Germany to oversee offshore wind farms, set to open in 2026.
德国能源公司RWE正在东弗里斯兰州Jemgum建立一个新的控制中心,以监测德国和欧洲各地的离岸风力农场。 RWE, a German energy company, is building a new control center in Jemgum, East Friesland, to monitor offshore wind farms across Germany and Europe. 由Real Immobilien GmbH正在建造的4 700平方米设施定于2025年秋季竣工,并于2026年春季投入使用。 The 4,700 square meter facility, under construction by Real Immobilien GmbH, is set to be completed by autumn 2025 and operational by spring 2026. 最初,大约50名RWE雇员将担任可持续建筑的工作人员,该建筑还将作为RWE的“Nordsee集群”风力项目的项目办公室。 Initially, around 50 RWE employees will staff the sustainable building, which will also serve as the project office for RWE's "Nordseecluster" wind project.