Rams QB Matthew Stafford在2022年的赛季中通过四根断裂的肋骨玩耍,暴露了他承受压力的韧性。 Rams QB Matthew Stafford played through four cracked ribs during the 2022 season, revealing his resilience under pressure.
洛杉矶公羊队的四分卫马修·斯塔福德 (Matthew Stafford) 在 2022 赛季经历了肋骨受伤,其中包括四根肋骨裂开,正如他的妻子凯利在她的播客中透露的那样。 Matthew Stafford, the Los Angeles Rams' quarterback, played through a rib injury that included four cracked ribs during the 2022 season, as revealed by his wife, Kelly, on her podcast. 斯塔福德尽管受伤,甚至在季后赛中受伤,但仍在继续比赛,表现出复原力。 Stafford continued to play despite the injury, even in the playoffs, showing resilience. 他与拉姆斯的未来是不确定的,团队有可能寻找继任者,而斯塔福德本人正在考虑他的下一步。 His future with the Rams is uncertain, with the team potentially looking for a successor, while Stafford himself is considering his next steps.