尼日利亚外交部长呼吁在联合国安全理事会中设立一个非洲常任席位。 Nigeria's Foreign Minister calls for a permanent African seat on the UN Security Council.
尼日利亚外交部长优素福·图加敦促在联合国安全理事会中给予非洲常任席位,强调尼日利亚作为非洲大陆代表的潜力。 Nigeria's Foreign Minister, Yusuf Tuggar, has urged for a permanent African seat on the UN Security Council, highlighting Nigeria's potential as the continent's representative. Tuggar在达沃斯世界经济论坛发言时批评目前的不平衡现象,指出安全理事会的决议有60%以上影响非洲,尽管非洲没有代表权。 Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Tuggar criticized the current imbalance, noting that over 60% of Security Council resolutions affect Africa despite its lack of representation. 他还强调需要向发展中国家转让技术,以及尼日利亚在全球和平与安全中的作用。 He also emphasized the need for technology transfer to developing nations and Nigeria's role in global peace and security.